Project Zoo 2006

Project Zoo started in 2005 as a partnership between RMIT Industrial Design and Melbourne Zoo. This blog is for the Project Zoo community to discuss ideas, share info or anything we might think appropriate and related to us.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Who will I work with?

In this studio you will work and collaborate with a variety of people: RMIT staff, zoo keepers, class colleagues, volunteers and yes: animals. It might sound like great fun – and it is. However, it is a quite demanding and challenging task, which we ask you to consider and respect, with particular emphasis on zoo staff and keepers who are very busy people. In terms of your design studio work, you have the option to work either independently or in a team of maximum 3. In this second case, all team members will have to demonstrate their role in and contribution to the group, by actively engaging in class activities and presenting at peer-to-peer reviews and various assessment presentations.


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