Project Zoo 2006

Project Zoo started in 2005 as a partnership between RMIT Industrial Design and Melbourne Zoo. This blog is for the Project Zoo community to discuss ideas, share info or anything we might think appropriate and related to us.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What are the available course grades?

HD D – High Distinction (80 – 100%) Outstanding work featuring originality, excellent critical analysis and thinking, detailed research and investigation and clear comprehensive coverage of relevant issues. Structured, grounded arguments and discussion. Evidence of creative and solid work in terms of comprehension, application and analysis with synthesis and evaluation. High standard of presentation and layout.
DI D – Distinction (70 – 79%) Superior work featuring originality, solid research, good critical analysis and synthesis, and well substantiated arguments. Evidence of creative and solid work in terms of comprehension, application, analysis and some synthesis. Good standard or presentation and layout.
CR C – Credit (60 – 69%) Above average work demonstrating an understanding of the concepts and issues and their application. Good research and evidence of basic synthesis. Solid evidence of comprehension and application with perhaps some analysis. Acceptable level of presentation and layout.
PA P – Pass (50 – 59%) Work at or just above minimum standard. Tends to be more descriptive than analytical. Arguments not strongly supported. Some appreciation of subject matter and issues; work generally lacking in depth and breadth, analysis and with little or no synthesis. Basic presentation and layout.
NN N – Fail (40 – 49%) Work below minimum standard or failure to meet guidelines specified. Disorganised and with a lack of clarity in the arguments presented. Poor research, analysis and no synthesis. Poor presentation and layout.
DNS – Did Not Submit – FAIL (0%) None of the required, assessable work was submitted for assessment.


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